Fluff and stuff- The creation!
Wow, I never thought I'd found myself doing this(and if I had, it was probably forgotten quickly). For some reason, I never could see myself writing a blog...Probably because I thought of it as a diary. It was finally my mother who encouraged me to express my creativity through a blog.
My Fluff of the Day is what's your addiction? I've always pondered the question, 'if my parents took something away from me, what would I miss the most?' (other than the necessities of life, that is). I went through so many things.
My first thought was the internet. A lot of my life, my friends and my inspiration comes from the internet. Which is why it was my first guess. Although, I soon realized that without the internet, I could still find things to do, and it would not be the end of the world(though very close to it).
Second, I thought of the things I need to draw/write. If they took away all my anime drawing books, my pencils and my paper, I wouldn't be able to draw or write my poetry or stories. In turn, that would be horrible, but I would still have things to do...and I could live without it.,
Third, I thought my friends. If I could never see my friends again, it would be so extremely horrid, I would fall into depression. I love my friends so much, and I would never sell them off or ditch them, no matter what. But, yet again, that idea passed, because there was one thing above all of this that I needed to complete me.
My imagination. If they found a way to take away my imagination and my creativity, I would lose the spark I see in every day. Every night, I dream ideas, and I imagine things. Every morning, I picture the day ahead and what I will do. Every afternoon, I wonder and think of what I will do in the evening, and every evening, I picture what I will dream. If I had no imagination, I would truly die on the inside, because I would have no excitement, no longing, no thrill. There would be nothing to wish or hope for, because I would not be able to imagine what I want or what I will want or even what I will have.
Because I have found this answer, I now treasure my creativity. I know there are some people out there who have limited imaginations and I am glad I am not them, because I cannot begin to imagine what it would be like if I lost what I have now.
Thanks for reading!